Boaz Mountain Hike

The Applegate Neighborhood Network will be leading a hike to Boaz Mountain on Thursday June 2, 2016. The hike will explore the Boaz Mountain Roadless Area in the Upper Applegate Valley near McKee Bridge. We will hike off-trail into Nedsbar Timber Sale units located within the roadless area on the western face of Boaz Mountain. The hike will include oak woodlands, colorful wildflowers, ancient forests and spectacular vistas across the Upper Applegate Valley. The hike will also include some elevation gain, poison oak and variable terrain. It is estimated that the hike will be roughly 3 miles, with the option of hiking more if folks would like to see more of the area.

Please consider joining us as we explore the Boaz Mountain Roadless Area and the proposed Nedsbar Timber Sale units located on the wild western face of Boaz Mountain. Come prepared for moderately difficult off-trail hiking. Bring lunch, good shoes, and appropriate clothing.

When: Thursday June 2, 2016 9:00 AM

Location: Meet at the Upper Applegate Grange on Upper Applegate Road.

Forest on the western face of Boaz Mountain in unit 33-30 of the Nedsbar Timber Sale.
Forest on the western face of Boaz Mountain in unit 33-30 of the Nedsbar Timber Sale.

Support the ATA Thru-hike Video Kickstarter

A view from the proposed East Applegate Ridge Trail looking southwest towards Ruch, Oregon. 
A view from the proposed East Applegate Ridge Trail looking southwest towards Ruch, Oregon. 

The Applegate Trails Association is an ANN member group and has spent the last five years advocating for non-motorized recreation in the Applegate Valley. The groups biggest project is the proposed Applegate Ridge Trail (ART), a long distance non-motorized trail that would link the communities Jacksonville and Grants Pass, Oregon.

In the hills above Jacksonville the ART is proposed to intersect the Jack-Ash Trail, a roughly 40-mile route envisioned by the Siskiyou Upland Trails Association (SUTA). Together the trails extend an estimated 80 miles from downtown Ashland, to the hills above Grants Pass and the Rogue River. The trails would serve the local community much as the Bear Creek Greenway currently does, but would travel through our beautiful, undeveloped mountain habitats. Both the ART and the Jack-Ash are still in their infancy, but a dedicated group of residents, hiking enthusiasts and volunteers are steadily working to make both trails a reality.

Looking south from the proposed Jack-Ash Trail into the Little Applegate Valley.
Looking south from the proposed Jack-Ash Trail into the Little Applegate Valley.

This spring two ATA board members are proposing to be the first to thru-hike the entire trail corridor from Ashland to Grants Pass. Our goal is to turn this thru-hike adventure into a film promoting the trails, their creation and their preservation. The film will be used to raise awareness, build support and inspire volunteers to get involved. We hope to highlight the beauty and diversity of the trails, as well as the many benefits to the surrounding communities that the trails will bring.

ATA intends to show the film at various public events, for local trail groups, municipalities, wineries, businesses, outdoor stores, on the web, at film festivals and anywhere that our message is welcome. We are asking for financial support to hire a professional film crew, who will film the adventure and create a short documentary film about the thru-hike, the Applegate Trails Association and the proposed trails.

Please consider supporting this unique project. The Jack-Ash Trail and ART will provide generations of enjoyment to the people of southwestern Oregon, while promoting environmental conservation and stewardship. We hope you can support the work of ATA.

To view the ATA kickstarter page: