Our Programs

Forest Program 

Our Timber Sale Monitoring Program focuses on documenting the impacts of federal land timber sales on BLM and Forest Service land in the Applegate watershed. We document the current forest conditions, analyze proposed logging treatments and cumulative impacts. We use the information gathered to to protect intact forest habitats on federal lands.

read more about or timber sale monitoring program

Applegate Valley OHV Monitoring Program

The Applegate Valley OHV Monitoring Program is an on-the-ground monitoring program documenting the impacts of unauthorized and damaging OHV use on federal lands in the Applegate Watershed. Our Program documents the impacts on our public lands and utilizes our monitoring results to advocate for closure of damaging or unauthorized OHV routes.

read more about our OHV monitoring program

Wildland Protection Program

Our Wildland Protection Program focuses on promoting permanent protection for the region’s roadless areas, habitat connectivity and biodiversity hotspots. We defend these important habitats from immediate threats and work to protect their wildland values in perpetuity.

read more about our wildland protection program

Environmental Education Program

Our Environmental Education Program is focuses on the region’s spectacular biodiversity and unique biology. We strive to cultivate a deeper appreciation for regional wildlands and more passionate, effective network of environmental advocates. This program utilizes hikes, workshops, public presentations and social media .

 read more about our environmental education program

Public Land Stewardship Program

Our Public Lands Stewardship Program promotes stewardship opportunities on public lands in the Applegate Watershed. We organize volunteer projects focused on restoring degraded habitats, closing illegal off-road vehicle routes, maintaining non-motorized trails, and protecting biodiversity.

read more about our public land stewardship program