Applegate Siskiyou Alliance works to sustain the integrity of the environment and human communities in the Applegate Valley and surrounding areas through education, collaboration, community activism, stewardship and science. We promote wildland conservation, ecological restoration, a sustainable rural economy, and community engagement in federal land management planning.
Forest Program: We work to protect, defend, and restore the forests and woodlands of the Applegate River Watershed and the Siskiyou Crest Region. These forests store abundant carbon, protect watershed values, support important wildlife habitats. and are among the most diverse conifer forests on the face of the earth LEARN MORE
Wildland Protection Program: The Applegate River Watershed contains world-class wildland habitats, unprotected old-growth forests, unique botanical diversity and regionally important connectivity. We work to protect and defend the wildlands of the Siskiyou Crest and throughout the Applegate Foothills on both BLM and Forest Service land. LEARN MORE
OHV Monitoring Program: We document the impact of off-road vehicle use on public lands, sensitive habitats, botanical values and unroaded habitats. We also advocate for the closure of damaging, inappropriate or illegal off-road vehicle trails that damage habitats and create conflicts with other public land users. LEARN MORE
Environmental Education Program: We lead hikes and educational, field-based workshops exploring the region’s unique ecology. We also sponsor environmental education presentations focused on the wildlands, biodiversity, and biological values of the Applegate River watershed and the Siskiyou Crest region. LEARN MORE
Public Lands Stewardship Program: We give back to the public lands we love by working to steward and sustain the environment of the Applegate River Watershed. LEARN MORE

Siskiyou Ecological Research Project: We document the unique diversity of the Siskiyou Mountains through citizen science and the Siskiyou Crest White Paper Series. LEARN MORE