The BLM’s Bear Grub Timber Sale is proposing numerous group selection logging units in the 7,526-acre Wellington Wildlands, a spectacular roadless area in the mountains north of Highway 238. Located between the small communities of Ruch and Applegate, the Wellington Wildlands support a diverse mosaic of arid grasslands, dense chaparral, beautiful madrone groves and white oak woodland with scattered stands of conifer forest.
Recently the BLM marked these units, identifying whole groves of mature forest for removal. In response, ANN has been out monitoring the timber sale units and what we have found is extremely troubling. The BLM has marked large group selection clearcuts throughout these beautiful stands, targeting highly fire resistant forests of Douglas fir at the headwaters of China Gulch.
Targeting and Degrading Fire Resistant Forests
The forests in upper China Gulch contain large, old trees with thick, insulating bark and high canopies that shade the forest floor, naturally suppressing understory growth and limiting understory fuel loads. Many of the stands targeted for group selection logging are open and spacious, but maintain closed canopy conditions. These habitats represent the most fire resistant forests on the landscape, are dominated by large, old trees and contain mature to late successional habitats.
The group selection clearcuts proposed in the Bear Grub Timber Sale would eliminate forest canopy, remove fire resistant trees, dry out forested stands, increase solar exposure and wind speeds, while regenerating young, highly flammable vegetation. This will dramatically increase fire hazards and fuel loading in both wildland habitats and near homes and communities in the Applegate Valley.

This stand targeted for group selection logging at the headwaters of China Gulch is a model for natural fire resistance. Converting this stand from open, late successional forest to dense, young stands of regenerating trees and shrubs will dramatically increase fire hazards and damage habitat values.
Destroying Wildlands & Impacting Recreational Values
The forests targeted for logging are also located within the proposed trail corridor for the Applegate Ridge Trail. Although still conceptual, the central portion of the Applegate Ridge Trail is proposed to extend from Highway 238 near Forest Creek —where the current East Applegate Ridge Trail meets the highway — to Humbug Creek, traversing the Wellington Wildlands.
This conceptual trail would connect with the Jack-Ash Trail, creating a contiguous non-motorized trail system from Ashland to Jacksonville and west to Grants Pass. The trail would connect communities and wildland habitat on the Applegate/Rogue River Divide. The proposal is extremely popular and has received significant community support. Yet, while the community works to protect the important recreational, economic and ecological values of the Applegate Ridge Trail, the BLM is proposing to log off these important forests, even before the trail can be developed.

Damaging Wildlife Habitat
These roadless forests are not only important for recreation and as a scenic backdrop to our homes and our wineries in the Applegate Valley, but they are also important for wildlife. They contain complex habitat conditions important for species like the Northern spotted owl and the Pacific fisher. Black bear, cougar, large herds of black-tailed deer and many other species use the protection of these mature, closed canopy forests. They provide nesting, resting, denning, and thermal cover habitat for a multitude of species, while the adjacent grasslands, oak woodlands, and chaparral provide abundant hunting and foraging habitats.
The Bear Grub Timber Sale will riddle these mature, closed canopy forests with staggered clearcuts, degrading late successional forest habitat and damaging important wildlife habitat.
Emitting Carbon and Reducing Climate Resilience
The Bear Grub Timber Sale proposes to remove whole groves of large, overstory trees and will have a lasting impact on carbon storage, emissions and climate mitigation. In fact, group selection logging would convert old, carbon rich forests into grasslands, chaparral fields or young regenerating forest that is not only less effective at storing atmospheric carbon, but less resilient to the droughts, fires and the climactic swings associated with climate change.
Maintaining these mature forest stands and canceling the Bear Grub Timber Sale would preserve habitat, maintain cool, shaded forest conditions, retain soil moisture, protect stream flows, and support both fire and drought resistance.

Stop Bear Grub!
The destructive logging proposed at the headwaters of China Gulch in the Bear Grub Timber Sale in the Wellington Wildlands will impact scenic values, recreational values, wildlife habitats, community fire safety, our local economy and our ability to adapt to climate change. The Ruch area is known for its scenic beauty, its wineries, and its world-class hang gliding. It is also a spectacularly beautiful place to live. If implemented, everything we love about the Applegate Valley would be impacted by the Bear Grub Timber Sale and portions of our beloved Wellington Wildlands would be destroyed.
At this critical time we must ask ourselves, what will we pass on to the next generation in the Applegate Valley? Clearcuts or Wildlands? We know which we prefer! Save Wellington Wildlands and Stop Bear Grub!
Below is a gallery of photographs depicting stand conditions in commercial logging units proposed in the Bear Grub Timber Sale at the the headwaters of China Gulch and in the Wellington Wildlands.

We have Stop Bear Grub Yard Signs!
Want an easy way to demonstrate your opposition to the Bear Grub Timber Sale? Do you live on a visible road in the Applegate or Rogue Valley? ANN has made Stop Bear Grub yard signs and they are currently available for a donation. Get them while supplies last!
Order a Stop Bear Grub yard sign now!
Step 1 — Make a generous donation to ANN to help cover the cost of the yard signs. All donations over $20 will be eligible for a yard sign. Make donations here.
Step 2 — Contact ANN at the email address below and let us know what sign or signs you would like and we will contact you for pick up or delivery options: info@applegatesiskiyoualliance.org