Jack-Ash Trail Environmental Assesment Released by BLM
The view from the Jack-Ash Trail near Anderson Butte
One of our member organizations, the Siskiyou Upland Trails Association, has been working to maintain and create new non-motorized trails in the Anderson Butte area. The BLM has released an Environmental Assessment for phase one of the Jack-Ash Trail. The following blog post was written by SUTA board member, Hope Robertson:
We are extremely excited to report that the BLM issued the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the first phase of the Siskiyou Upland Trails Association’s (SUTA) Jack-Ash Trail project on June 17th. This trail will ultimately run between the Jacksonville and Ashland trail systems and connect to the Applegate Ridge Trail system proposed by Applegate Trails Association (ATA). The first phase of the Jack-Ash, covered in the EA, will connect to both ends of the Sterling Mine Ditch trail system, creating a giant loop around Anderson Butte. This non-motorized trail system will expand opportunities for all non-motorized recreational users – hikers, equestrians, bicyclists and runners. With great vistas of the Applegate Valley and the Rogue Valley, users will be able to easily access this future trail from towns in the Rogue Valley and from the Applegate side.
All comments should be made in writing and mailed or delivered to Shanna McCarty, Planning & Environmental Specialist, Ashland Resource Area, 3040 Biddle Road, Medford, OR97504 or emailed to BLM_OR_MD_mail@blm.gov, Attention: Shanna McCarty.
We are delighted to see this community trail project moving forward. If all goes well we hope to begin construction this fall. Thank you to everyone in the community who helped make this possible!