For the past number of months, ASA has been out on the ground monitoring proposed timber sale units in the BLM’s Cedar Flat Timber Sale in the upper Williams Creek watershed. The sale proposed to log 3,222 acres, including 2,493 acres in Late Succcessional Reserve forest designated to protect habitat for the northern spotted owl. This proposal would have logged significant mature, old-growth and primary unlogged forests on the flank of Grayback Mountain, in upper Rock Creek, Glade Fork, West Fork Williams Creek, on Little Sugarloaf Peak, and on the eastern flank of Holcomb Peak.
ASA was publicly opposing these mature and old-growth logging units, had visited every proposed logging unit in the timber sale, was working to draft technical comments on this project, and had begun organizing a public campaign; however, the Medford District BLM just canceled this controversial timber sale!
Although a significant, but perhaps short-lived victory, the BLM has indicated they hope to reconsider this timber sale in early 2025. We invite our supporters to contact BLM and ask them to cancel the mature and old-growth logging units previously proposed in the Cedar Flat Timber Sale. Please let them know that these units should not move forward in future BLM timber sales.
Talking Points:
- Although we support the cancellation of the Cedar Flat Timber Sale, we are concerned that controversial mature and old-growth logging units may be included in future timber sales proposed in the area. If the Cedar Flat Timber Sale, or a new project based on this timber sale is proposed, we suggest that the BLM focus on the abundant plantation stands found in the area.
- The Cedar Flat Timber Sale proposed logging units that included some of the last mature and old-growth forest in the Williams Creek watershed. These forests must be withdrawn from further consideration and should not be proposed for logging in any future timber sale.
- Located in Late Successional Reserve forest, designated to protect habitat for the northern spotted owl, these mature and old-growth forests should be deferred from treatment due to their important habitat values. This includes proposed logging units on the flank of Grayback Mountain, along the Grayback Mountain Trail, on upper Rock Creek, Glade Creek, West Fork Williams Creek, and upper Bill Creek, on Sugarloaf Peak, and on the eastern flank of Holocomb Peak.
- Ask the BLM to institute a 20″ diameter limit, require the retention of at least 60% canopy cover, limit commercial logging to plantation stands, focus non-commercial thinning adjacent to homes and communities, remove all stands over 80 years of age from logging treatments, and build no new roads if timber sales are proposed in the future.
District Manager, Elizabeth Burghard: eburghar@blm.gov
Grants Pass Resource Area Manager, Heidi Lowrey: hlowery@blm.gov